Here we are; it’s Friday. Well, it’s almost finished here, lol. I’m running behind these days.

I’m joining in with the FMF Community over at Kate Motaung’s site. Click the link and check it out. See other’s posts. Be inspired and encouraged.

My graphic lists the prompt word here:


We have all have a purpose. If we aren’t intentional in our own purpose, someone else will hijack it and use you for their purpose.

How’s that you wonder? Well, I’ll tell you. Let’s sit a spell and ruminate on this thought.

What does Yahweh’s word tell us?

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

Yahweh uses each of us for His purpose. You know all those times things happen that you didn’t want to happen or things that you felt were awful? I look at those times as a test of faith and character building.

Even when you don’t like how things turn out, Yahweh’s purpose is to use those things. It’s part of His will in our lives.

So, instead of fighting against it; go with it. Let it work for your good.

How does that look in your life? Comment and let me know.